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Los Angeles Addiction Statistics and Transitional Living Guide

County of L.A. Public Health released results from a study focusing on excessive drinking and the consequences. Percentages of those who reported binge drinking in the past 30 days include:

  • 6% of those aged 12-17
  • 35% of those aged 18-25
  • 21% of those aged 26 years and older

Other L.A. County results from the same survey include: 

  • There were 11,866 motor vehicle collisions, injuries, and fatalities involving alcohol in 2017 
  • Alcohol-related tangible costs related to lost productivity at work totaled 8 billion dollars. 
  • Healthcare costs related to alcohol were 1.3 billion dollars. 
  • Other alcohol-related costs, which include costs related to motor vehicle crashes, property damage, and costs to the criminal justice system, came in at 1.9 billion dollars.

A study done by the California Department of Motor Vehicles showed another set of eye-opening facts about DUI (driving under the influence):

  • In 2017, there were 123,548 arrests for DUI.  
  • DUI arrests for males accounted for 77.3% of the cases. 
  • 73.6% of arrests for DUI result in convictions.
  • 73% of those arrested were first-time offenders, while 27% had been arrested for DUI at least once prior.
  • The median blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of a convicted DUI offender was 0.16%. This is double the illegal limit in California. 

Alcohol consumption rates rose 14% since the country became consumed by the coronavirus pandemic. The consumption of alcohol by individuals during this time increased by nearly 30%. Admissions for alcoholic liver disease at Keck Hospital of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles were up 30% in 2020 compared with 2019.

The number of people who began to misuse alcohol or became addicted to it means the need for treatment has increased. Many people who were already in recovery from alcohol addiction found that living under the stress of COVID-19 contributed to relapse.

The L.A. County area supports a large number of addiction treatment and sober living. options. A search on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website shows there are over 300 clinics and treatment facilities that treat substance use within 25 miles of Los Angeles. 

Facts about the Los Angeles area that add to its high amount of drug distribution include:

  • Its large population
  • Numerous communities that embrace alcohol and drug usage, such as the entertainment industry
  • Close proximity to the Mexico border
  • A vast amount of entry points, including airports, shipping docks, and highways

While a lot of the narcotics that arrive in the L.A. area end up being distributed to other cities, states, and countries, much of the products remain in town. The plethora of this influx helps increase the number of people who experiment with drug usage, as well as those who go on to develop full-blown addictions.

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) began a program called 360 Strategy designed to address heroin and prescription opioid abuse. Recognizing the drug addiction crisis in Los Angeles, the DEA focused its program on the city starting in 2018.  

The DEA classifies the city of Los Angeles as a national drug distribution center for cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, MDMA, and PC. The DEA and Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner determined the local areas most in need of assistance are Antelope Valley, the Metro region, and West Los Angeles. These areas produce alarming amounts of opioid misuse.

The 360 Strategy study of Los Angeles identified several ways to focus on treating the addiction community. These include:

  • Bringing resources to needed areas. Examples include enacting speaker programs in local schools to prevent younger people from developing addictions.
  • Increasing the amount of DEA participation in community events in order to foster a friendlier, more helpful image of the agency among residents.
  • Putting the spotlight on personal stories of addiction and loss. While facts and statistics can be educational, the impact of someone relaying their own experiences in the world of addiction often raises awareness and compassion in others.
  • Encourage area schools to expand their addiction awareness programs for students. 
  • Use social media platforms to pass on information and identify leaders in the recovery community.

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