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Transitional Living Program In Los Angeles, CA

When someone completes an inpatient mental health or addiction treatment program, but are not yet ready to fully return to their day-to-day lives, our transitional living program in Los Angeles is a great solution. Individuals in transitional living attend meetings and outpatient treatment programs all while forming peer bonds and learning valuable life skills. These homes are designed to provide helpful resources in a structured environment for people recovering from addiction as well as those who have failure to launch syndrome.

What is a Transitional Living Program?

Transitional living homes are residences whose function is to help those struggling with addiction, mental illness, or failure to launch syndrome. Transitional living residences are also known as mental health housing, sober living homes, or halfway houses. Most transitional living residences host those in recovery for anywhere from six to eighteen months, depending on their own personal needs and recovery goals. The vast majority of those who live in these spaces have stepped down into this level of care on their own, but some have been referred by their residential treatment program.

Depending on the house, an individual might have their own room or share a room with a like-minded person. These homes usually, such as career guidance and on-site counseling. The rules and guidelines in transitional living houses in Los Angeles provide their residents with a highly level of structure and accountability, all while maintaining a sense of freedom. Additionally, a good deal of transitional living environments are gender-specific, which creates an environment that is open for expression and exploration, while free from distractions.

This type of environment also helps people form strong bonds with their peers. This bond provides a support network that is an invaluable resource that can be taken with them long after their time in transitional living in Los Angeles. It is common for residents to explore the city around them together and go to meetings with one another.  

Why Move to a Transitional Living House?

Transitional living residences are optimal for people who need to continue to build a foundation of revery before fully returning back to their day-to-day lives. Spending time in a transitional living house helps individuals to rebuild their lifeskill, self-esteem and inner confidence, as well as start laying out the desired structure for their lives once they leave.

For people who are struggling with failure to launch syndrome, transitional living is a safe environment to learn the skills and structure necessary to have a thriving adult life. Learning how to pay bills on time, take care of your personal hygiene and home, as well as other important skills like the benefits of healthy eating, all help individuals flourish once they leave.

What to Expect in Our Transitional Living Program in Los Angeles, CA

Transitional living provides so much more than just a safe, comfortable place to live. When a person makes the decision to go from residential treatment to transitional living, they are probably unsure of exactly what to expect. The following are typical features of transitional living environments. 


While each residence has its own set of guidelines, there are some common rules that you can expect. The number one rule across the board is that alcohol and drugs will not be allowed on the premises for any reason. Transitional living homes are drug and alcohol-free and must stay that way. Other regulations extend to limited visitation, curfews, proper hygiene and conduct, and respecting other people and their property. Additionally, residents are often required to attend mandatory meetings and undergo regular drug tests. Anyone who violates these rules is asked to leave. 


Many people have concerns when it comes to visitation. They do not want to be completely cut off from their loved ones; however, they also do not want family and friends to overstay their welcome. Transitional living homes do allow visitors, but with certain limitations. For example, they are not allowed to stay the night and must act appropriately while on the property. 

Therapy Options

It is vital to the success of a person’s well-being and recovery to be mentally healthy. Many transitional living facilities have therapists and counselors on staff, so residents have access to therapeutic services when needed. Furthermore, most houses are partnered with  partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient programs, and standard outpatient programs. 


Most transitional living homes are not subsidized by the government, which means that residents must pay rent and utilities order to stay. Often, as part of the terms of living in the house, residents will have to find employment in order to pay bills, keep the lights long, and contribute groceries. These responsibilities are often beneficial because it gives individuals the ability to develop these life skills prior to returning to their everyday lives.

12-Step Meetings

Many transitional living homes are located near 12-step meetings. These types of meetings have been part of the recovery community for decades and have helped countless individuals overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol. As part of the guidelines, membership is anonymous. While 12-Step meetings are usually for people in recovery, other programs that follow similar principles are available for the loved ones in recovery.  

Benefits of Transitional Living

Transitional living provides individuals with a wealth of new skills and possibilities. For those who take advantage of this step in the recovery process, there are several unique benefits that can improve their success once on their own.

Onsite and Offsite Support

Residents of a transitional living program are constantly in contact with staff who are regularly encouraging them, celebrating their successes, and helping them through the ups and downs that recovery can bring. Plus, these individuals are also among others who are also striving for similar recovery goals, which provides a built-in peer support system.

However, residents are not limited to just those who they see as a result of the program they are in. Due to the flexibility that transitional living provides, they can step outside of the residence into workplaces, social gatherings, and any other event that anyone else would participate in. These individuals can start to establish a support system of people outside of their transitional living home who can continue to support them long after they have moved into a space of their own.

Safe Environment

One of the biggest challenges in early recovery is staying sober. When in an environment where others are using or where individuals can easily obtain drugs or alcohol, staying sober can become a much more difficult task. However, transitional living gives individuals the space to solidify their recovery prior to stepping back out into the real world. All transitional living houses are drug and alcohol-free and have rules that help promote wellness, such as curfews and visitor regulations.

Life Lessons

Transitional living is definitely different than living independently, but in many ways there are several similarities. Those who are living in a transitional living home receive the opportunity to get a glimpse into what their everyday life will look like when they move home. They will have experience balancing their recovery with things such as going to work, sticking to a budget, and managing a social life. Additionally, the nature of this environment gives people the opportunity to learn and grow as a person. Staff members provide resources and guidance that can help individuals decide on a career path, attend college, set goals, and truly understand what it is they want from life. 

Coping with Mental Illness in Adult Children

Regardless of their age, your child is going to need support while they reside in a transitional living home. Certainly, they will obtain encouragement through staff and others in the program, but the support they can get from their family is priceless. People in recovery who have strong family support tend to have more successful outcomes, which is why we work with families to provide support and guidance. While your loved one is in residence, there are a few simple tips that your family can work use to help support your child.

Empower Your Child

The power of positivity cannot be underestimated in a situation where your child is working to change their lives for the better. During this time, empower your child by recognizing all of their accomplishments, both big and small, and encourage them to keep going. Even something as simple as telling your child that they can do it can make a world of difference in their recovery. Staying positive can provide the necessary support to help your child achieve a happy, sober life. 

Remain Non-Judgmental 

Early recovery is a very vulnerable time in a person’s life. There are likely going to be times where your child is recounting the many instances where they feel they failed their family members, friends, or even themselves. They may be judging their own past actions and carrying around the shame and guilt as a result of their past behavior. Therefore, it is critical that you remain non-judgmental during this time. It’s helpful to remember that addiction is a disease and your child is working to overcome the effects of this lifelong disease. Remain non-judgment will help your child work through their guilt and find a strong foothold in sobriety.

Communicate Often

Even though you may not be together or even close by, it is important to ensure that you are keeping a clear line of communication open with your child. Of course, this might not be as easy as you would like, especially if you are both working on mending old wounds, but doing so can be beneficial in many ways. Not only are you able to get an inside look into what your child is going through, but your child is able to feel loved and supported by their family at a time when they need it most. 

Start Our Transitional Living Program in Los Angeles, CA

Whether you are battling drug or alcohol abuse, mental illness, or failure to launch syndrome, your struggle is valid and you deserve help. The only way to improve your life is to move forward in a positive direction and transitional housing can help you along the way. At Riviera Recovery, we want to help you find success and happiness in a life of recovery. To learn more about our transitional living options or to get started today, please visit our admissions page.

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