How Diet and Exercise Support Mental Health
When a person needs help managing their mental illness, the first type of help that comes to mind usually relates to talk therapy and residential or outpatient …
Welcome to Riviera Recovery
When a person needs help managing their mental illness, the first type of help that comes to mind usually relates to talk therapy and residential or outpatient …
Depression can be an ongoing disease that requires a person to constantly be vigilant about following recommended treatment. Sometimes, despite their best inten …
You may have heard of sober living homes but aren’t sure what they are all about. While these types of treatment facilities can vary in certain ways, a lot of …
When substances become problematic in a person’s life, they often aren’t sure how to define what’s going on. Some people may label themselves as misusing …
Did you know that between 40-60% of people who are in recovery for addiction end up relapsing at some point? Because of how commonly relapse happens to a person …
MDMA, commonly referred to as “molly”, is a popular drug among young people. While many users believe the drug to be harmless, especially if only used occas …
The popularity of the drug khat has increased in the U.S., causing a great deal of concern. This stimulant drug can cause physical and psychological damage to u …
Older generations often have difficulty understanding the younger people in the age range of their children and grandchildren. Generational differences can make …
When a person enters recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction, they often feel great excitement about their newfound sobriety and plan to keep it going permane …
Living life as part of the transgender community has its challenges. When a person also deals with addiction to drugs or alcohol, it gets even more complicated. …
While many people have not heard of kratom, it has become a popular source for a lot of people who are looking for an alternative drug. While it is not yet ille …
People in recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol can find many benefits of peer support groups. Knowing they have understanding people who can help them d …