Addiction Treatment with Acupuncture
Alternative Addiction Treatment with Acupuncture To rid themselves of a drug addiction some people will be willing to bring on the pins and needles. Yes, that …
Welcome to Riviera Recovery
Alternative Addiction Treatment with Acupuncture To rid themselves of a drug addiction some people will be willing to bring on the pins and needles. Yes, that …
5 Important Things to Look For in Transitional Living in Malibu One of the most important steps an individual who has completed an inpatient addiction treatment …
The Benefits of Alcohol Rehab with Animals On Board By the time you reach the point of seeking treatment for an alcohol problem, you are probably pretty beaten …
Last week, The Associated Press took an important step in that direction. The new edition of its widely used AP Stylebook declares that “addict” should no l …
It Hurts So Good Jenn R I woke up and groaned—every muscle in my body ached—and I wondered how I would move across my small apartment to the fridge. Still, …
After completing an addiction treatment program for a substance use disorder, some may mistakenly believe they are good to go home. However, because this earl …
With detox and an inpatient rehab stint under your belt, the time has now come to plan your aftercare. One of the most important aspects of the recovery proc …
What is a halfway house and is it different than a sober house? A lot of people wonder if the two things are the same and, if not, what the differences might be …
An individual who is in active drug or alcohol addiction is very likely to neglect their diet. Alcoholics will feel full from the liquor they consume, giv …
The Priceless Value in Choosing Sober Living Post Addiction Treatment Budgeting Your Sober Living Costs We’ve all heard the British saying, “Penny-wise and …
MALIBU, Calif. — I wasn’t eating right. Was I even eating? In that miserable winter in 2011, I couldn’t always be sure. Unlike my impossibly slender, tone …
Khalil Rafati intentionally overdosed on heroin in 2001. The next year, he was shot at while using drugs. He suffered stints of homelessness and jail time. Fina …